
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/04/29 20:23:08
The determination of the EC and the United States to protect their domestic industries and the realization of Third World producers that a collapse of the MFA could cause immense upheavals in international trade means a third extension of the agreement could well be the most likely outcome of next weeks negotiations in Geneva.

EC 和美国的决心保护他们的国内产业和第三世界生产商的认识, MFA 的崩溃能导致巨大大变动在国际贸易意味协议的第三个引伸能涌出是下几星期交涉很可能结果在日内瓦。

EC 和美国的决心保护他们的国内工业和第三位世界 MFA 的崩溃可以引起国际的贸易极广大的举起生产者的实现意谓协议的第三个延长可以很好地是在日内瓦下个数个星期谈判的最有可能结果。