
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/06/13 22:59:58


1) It is difficult to be water for one who has seen the great seas, and difficult to be clouds for one who has seen the Yangtze Gorges.

2) Having experienced the great ocean, it is difficult to appreciate ordinary waters.

3) For one who has had great experiences, ordinary experiences pale by comparison.

To a sophisticated person there is nothing new under the sun.

No water's enough when you have crossed the sea;
No cloud is beautiful but that which crowns the peak.
I pass by flowers that fail to attract poor me
Half for your sake and half for Taoism I seek.

“曾经沧海难为水”是从《孟子 尽心》篇“观于海者难为水,游于圣人之门者难为言”变化而来的,是说沧海无比深广,因而使别处的水相形见绌;“除却巫山不是云”是说巫山下临长江,云蒸霞蔚,据宋玉《高唐赋序》说,其云为神女所化,上属于天,下入于渊,茂如松海,美若娇姬,相形之下,别处的云就黯然失色了。