
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/04/27 21:34:52
小弟是初二的学生,今天下午又一个演讲~我怕自己的英语水平不行,请各位大虾给翻译一下~题目:魔兽争霸3 内容:魔兽争霸3是一款非常好玩的游戏,他在2003年由暴雪发行。他里面分为4个种族,分别是Human, ORC,Undead,Night elf.我最喜欢的种族是暗夜精灵(Night elf),因为它们十分飘逸,我也喜欢他们的历史~他们昼伏夜出,崇尚月亮和艾露尼女神。他们有时十分和善,有时也会十分神秘~在魔兽里还有许多英雄,我最喜欢的英雄就是恶魔猎手,他是魔兽英雄里最帅的,它也是一个不被理解的战士。我爱魔兽,我更爱暗夜精灵!永远爱他们~ 这就是文章,请大家帮忙翻译一下,3~5分钟,谢谢,不要太难的词~跪谢ing

3 games that is that one section is very interesting of contention between monster and beast, he was issued by the Blizzard Entertainment in 2003. It is divided into 4 pieces of race, including Human, ORC inside, Undead,Night elf. Our favorite race is a spirit (Night elf ) at dark night, because they are very elegant, I like their historical I and others to hide by day and come out at night, advocate the moon and is it reveal Buddhist nun goddess to end. They sometimes very kind and gentle, can very mysterious they have a lot of heroes in the beast in evil spirit too sometimes, my favorite hero is devil's hunter, he is the most handsome in the evil spirit beast hero, it is a soldier not understood too. I love the evil spirit beast, I love spirits in dark night even more! Love them forever .


Moshou rivalry three elements : Moshou rivalry section 3 is a very fun game in which he issued in 2003 by biting. He inside divided into four ethnic, respectively Human, ORC,Undead,Night elf. My favorite race is dark smart (Night elf), because they are very elegant, and I like their history ~ Night out their day volts, advocating goddess of the moon and Ai Bao Buddhist nun. They sometimes very and good, sometimes in very mysterious ~ Moshou li many heroes, my favorite hero is demon hunters, he was the most handsome Moshou hero Lane, which is also a lack of understanding of the fighter. I love Moshou, I love dark smart! Always love them ~
