amtlib.dll 64位 cs6:请高手帮忙翻一下?

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/09/21 09:27:56
Any working mother, unwittingly or not, has played the scramble game. It's that test of wills, endurance and patience where you come home from a long day at work, and are immediately met with "the crisis." For example, your child needs a costume for a school play or has to finish a science project she "forgot" about that's due tomorrow. The rules of the game are simple: Be as creative as possible using only objects found in your home (because by now all stores are closed) and finish before your child yells, "Mom, hurry, I'll be late!" It may sound easy enough to play, but there are always hidden obstacles: lack of sleep on the contestant's part, another child suddenly becomes sick or your husband informs you there is nothing in the house to make for dinner.

scramble 仓促拼凑

任何一个在职母亲, 有意无意之间, 都玩过仓促拼凑的游戏. 当你在班上忙了一天总算回到家中, "紧急情况"却突然迎面而来时, 这个游戏就是要考验你的意志力, 耐力, 和耐心. 比如, 你的孩子需要一套学校演出服装, 或者她必须赶完一项她"忘了"明天就要交的科学作业. 游戏的规则很简单: 只能用你家里能找到的东西(因为这时候所有的商店都关门了), 发挥最大的创造力, 在孩子嚷嚷:"妈妈, 快点, 我要迟到啦!"之前完成任务. 此游戏听上去挺简单, 但总是有一些暗藏的障碍: 游戏竞赛者睡眠不足, 另一个孩子突然病倒, 你老公向你报告, 家里没东西做晚饭了.