
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/04/29 08:57:23
1 白天鹅飞快地在湖里游着以追上慢慢游着泳的蛇.
2 保罗在大厅里大叫,因为他在地板上滑倒了,走不到门那里了.
3 冰淇淋,《哪吒传奇》碟片,还有乐事薯片,这些都是我的最爱。妈妈总是叫我多吃青菜和大头菜,可我一点也不喜欢。老师告诉我,你偏食,有害健康。

1. A white swan was swimming fast to catch up a slowing moving snake.

2. Poulou was crying in the hall, because he slipped down to the floor and could not reach the door.

3. Icecream, the CD "the legends of Na Zha", and Leshi potato crisp are my favorites. My mother keeps telling me to have more green vegetable and cobbage. However, I don't like them at all. My teachers say me that I m not having an balanced diet, which is not good for my health.

1 白天鹅飞快地在湖里游着以追上慢慢游着泳的蛇.
2 保罗在大厅里大叫,因为他在地板上滑倒了,走不到门那里了.
3 冰淇淋,《哪吒传奇》碟片,还有乐事薯片,这些都是我的最爱。妈妈总是叫我多吃青菜和大头菜,可我一点也不喜欢。老师告诉我,你偏食,有害健康。
1 goose very fast You Zhuoyi overtakes the snake in the lake which swims slowly
2 Paulo 大叫 in the hall,Because he slipped on the floor,Did not walk to gate there
3 ice cream,"Ne zha Legend" small dish piece, but also has the happy event potato piece, these all are I most loves. Mother always is called me to eat the green vegetables and the rutabaga, but I do not like. Teacher tells me, your partial eclipse, injurious to health.

1.The goose very fast You Zhuoyi overtakes the snake in the lake which slowly swims .
2 .Paulo greatly shouts in the hall, because he slipped on the floor, did not walk gate there .
3. ice cream, "哪吒 Legend" small dish piece, but also has the happy event potato piece, these all are I most loves. Mother always is called me to eat the green vegetables and the rutabaga, but I do not like. Teacher tells me, your partial eclipse, injurious to health.