c5交易平台怎么买东西:Love is not possessive

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/09/21 09:28:05
讨论一下 能用英语发表一下 爱不是占有 这一内容吗?

Love is not possessive(爱不是占有:)~~

Love is not possessive. Love is something that makes your life better and makes you feel happy.

You can open yourself up to love, but know that love must be reciprocal. You will love him and he will love you. You will not need each other, but you will want each other. Love is not needy. Expect the best relationship. Don't become intimate immediately and don't start thinking this is the one. Get to know the man you're dealing with. Get to know him as your friend. Learn how to trust. Learn how to love. But do it slowly. Don't rush. A solid relationship needs a foundation of friendship, trust, respect, honesty, and love. It takes time to develop those qualities in each other.

It's best to know why and what you want from a relationship. Don't try to replace the last man with a new man. Don't try to hurt anyone because you've been hurt. Don't become bitter because the last man was a jerk. What you perceive will become your reality. If, based on your experiences, you think all men are jerks and ain't about nothing, guess what type of men you're going to meet. Your perception is your reality.

Take a breather between each relationship to renew your spirit. It will give you time to know yourself and empower you to make better choices in relationships.

Love is not possessive.
Everyone has his own free space,it's just like the air in a balloon ,you want to breath them all into your body ,but you have to let them out again!