
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/05/09 03:16:25
甘肃祁连山水泥集团股份有限公司是一九九五年十一月二日经甘肃省经济体制改革委员会以体改委发[1995]68号文件批准筹建,并于1996年7月17日设立的股份有限公司。甘肃祁连山水泥集团股份有限公司是西北 地区特种水泥生产基地,自1996年成立以来,公司总股本从7000万股扩张到3.46亿股,资产总值从2亿元增值到9.26亿元,盈利水平在全国同板块上市企业中名列前茅。新世纪伊始,公司以西部 大开发为契机,以结构调整为主线,以改革创新为动力,积极进行产品结构调整,增强企业竞争力,投资5亿多元兴建日产2000吨和日产2500吨两条新型干法水泥生产线,使年生产规模达到500万吨以上,成为西北地区最大的水泥生产企业。

Gansu Qilianshan Concrete Group Co., Ltd was authorized to construct under the paper No.[1995] 68 issued by Commission for Restructuring the Economic Systems by Gansu Commission for Restructuring the Economic Systems, which was set up on 17th, July 1996. Gansu Qilianshan Concrete Group Co., Ltd is the special concrete manifactural base for Northwest area of China. Since the foundation of the company in 1996, the total capiyal stock has arisen from 70,000,000RMB to 3.46 billion RMB. The amount of the capital has risen from 2 billion to 9.26 billion. The profit also comes out top in the listed companies of the industry. At the beginning of the new century, company has grasped the good oppournity of the West Development leaded by the spirit of restructure and motived by the innovation and creation to undertake the structural readjustment and enhance the competitive power of the enterprise. It has also invested 5 billion RMB on the construction of 2 new-type product lines with the production capacity of 2000 tonnn and 2500 ton respectively. The company's production scale has yet reached amount to more than 5,000,000 tons yearly, which made it be the largest concrete supplier in the northwest region.
On the year April 1996 Gansu Qilianshan Concrete Group Co., Ltd(under preparation) applied to issue stocks publicly.
