
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/06/03 03:49:56

2005, the company is the development path Xin Yuan landmark year. To achieve the company's strategic objectives and goals, we advocate Xin Yuan each person should have a "Advocating honour, the defence responsibilities, the creation of value," the guiding ideology, and in the ideological leadership, in-depth study of their work efficiently to achieve their objectives, achieve company "to grow into Chinese real estate value and influence public companies" wanted company. "The glory, responsibility, values," which is three sacred term. The sacred is because they dignity Xin Yuan noted as a company what the staff should be people who can become what people must become what. This is our starting point for our spirit, that we grow with the enterprise ladder, it is the cornerstone of the continuous development of the company Xin Yuan. Xin Yuan company for nearly eight years in the course of development, Xin Yuan who created one miracle industries, building a hydro-star Garden, Xin Yuan Liu -- two classics from the renowned Central Plains resident, Xin Yuan company performance achieved rapid development. All results are derived from Xin Yuan people for the honor, responsibility, the value of unremitting pursuit. Now, the real estate industry is facing a new era, a move from dry to the norms, the ambitious side of the dispute from the Warring States era. Continuing changes in the new era, we are constantly striving to maintain the momentum? The answer is : Advocating honour, the defence responsibilities, the creation of value. 1, upholding the honor of our work attitude. Honour, it is hoped that through their actions consistent with their expectations, and has won praise and admiration and satisfaction. In reality, it is often the honor with "honour, vanity, ambition," linked into elite colleges can bring "honor" to win play chess championship can bring "honor" and return money found commended bring "honor" son they are officials can bring "honor" : : But this "honour" are not we Xin Yuan person to be advocating honor, We have to uphold the honor is an inner spirit, and from the heart of a meeting that we need in the process of doing things consistent, coherent uphold an attitude. 1, the honor is truly spiritual influence, the real honor is "honorary, vanity and ambition." Unlike real honor reputation. Plus a reputation, and honour is of sufficient; Honorary just outside praise and honor is issued internal influence. Reputation and honor are interrelated and external feedback, external recognition, encouragement inspire people outside spontaneous progressive, conscious pursuit of progress. To advance the reputation is good, but we will never be able to "pursue an" attitude as we work with the goal of excessive "for honorary" We will be issuing a generation, we will make efforts to get the direction, forget the significance. Also different from fighting real honor. The association is seeking others 1:00 preferences, or send to the singing vulgar, and thus complacent, believing that meet. Vanity performance is a good show, good exaggerate this to win others to their own praise. Opinionated lay, a comparison between all male vanity performance. Investigators and honor is within, can upright, and the inner spirit can permanently. Real honor more than ambition. Ambition is to seek personal interests to meet, although sometimes ambitions will promote people to do some useful things, but their fundamental motive or to themselves. Honor is because of a "public" acts of faith and obtained praise. This should be a real honour two conditions : First, there must be some things go undone. Truly honor the Xin Yuan, Xin Yuan standards for the following things is simply not bother to take a look, and Xin Yuan standards for the above matter will make every effort to be completed. Imagine that when you walk in the park, see a college paper on the ground, you will allow it to continue to destroy our environment? It will not hesitate to pick up or thrown into bins? I think every one of the Xin Yuan will honor the second choice. It was in recognition of what you are doing you may not. Worse still, someone might not see you do this thing, but you will still be done. This is true honor. Second, the honour to be self-sufficient, to resort to its own. Honours are not any real praise from other people, it can only come from their own inner world. We can not rely on others to work for, nor will the energy spent in excess of the flatter rides, all energy is used only to enhance their own "Internal Strength", to study their work to fulfil its duties. The meeting will bring honor outside praise, and the outside world can not bring real praise honor. 2, advocating honor a strong driving force for us work. Our vision is "to grow into Chinese real estate value and influence public companies." This is already a consensus vision, and to achieve this goal, we must rely on each Xin Yuan people do their job seriously, to perform its duties; It is our job to uphold honor attitude It requires us to give full play to their initiative to spontaneously research operations, achievement of objectives, and therefore advocating the honour to lead us more effectively attitude to Xin Yuan goal. This attitude will not lead to overstaffing, echoing the views of others, the development company is not Guxin Court rules blind do. This phenomenon may have led to three reasons : First, do not take the initiative to study in depth the work and did not want to move the brain, solutions; Second is to shirk responsibility; Third is to be led by such an approach commended. Xin Yuan as a person, we have to uphold honor, and to maintain such good work, not because someone else's evaluation of the right to change their principles, not because they have not been encouraged to abandon their work, not for personal interests or principles do not. We firmly believe that people will have a strong reputation, in the spirit impetus to the overall implementation of the upgrade. Second, we must have the responsibility to defend pragmatism. Our responsibility is the job responsibilities and tasks. Our responsibility is to defend the work to be done in no excuses, through spontaneous in-depth study of business to improve our working methods and improve our work efficiency. Treatment of their work, no one can relax in our request, we can not permit ourselves to the work of errors and shortcomings persist, we can not always allowed their skills to stay in situ, rather than with community, business, the development of the times consistent. 1, is our responsibility to play their own foundation. Everyone in their own jobs are shoulders corresponding responsibilities, and through it to fulfil their own responsibilities. No status setup, no responsibility can be assigned to the platform with no individual play. You may work in a bargaining intentionally or unintentionally, but not completed their work by the greatest losses suffered by the company is not, nor is it others, but your own. You will lose a self-training and self-improvement opportunities, such opportunities are not cost money or time to measure. 2, the responsibility to defend, let us make an ideal pragmatism. "Mankind is not an ideal, the world will be how! "Everybody has their own vision, but more importantly, everyone must be pragmatic, no idea should be translated into action plans, design, construction drawings, through actions to be realized. For enterprises, enterprises need to plan the future of idealists, more needs to be a group of pragmatists ideals into reality. We must strive to be an ideal pragmatism, focused their performance, focused its goals to work without this, any one ideal can only be fantasy. First, their ideology will work on the minds of the most important position. Thought is the source of all power, only from the thinking set to be a pragmatists conviction can become a real action in pragmatism. Second, in action, to focus on business skills enhancement. Business skills upgrading to ensure efficient discharge of their responsibilities of the key, and we can not do "conceited, ambitious," and they not only do we have to more to be done by. Through continuing research into operations, market research new methods, new technologies, new knowledge to improve their business skills, thus promoting business objectives. Third, we must be good at the market changes and to keep up with their own ideas and skills to the business and market changes rhythm. The environment is constantly changing, the market so that enterprises do the same. Xin Yuan companies in the past few years, the exponential growth in performance is, if we still use the same methods of work in the past, how can we meet the needs of enterprise development? Third, the values that we all work to create the ultimate external performance. Doing business is to create value and significance of the individual and the team also lies in the existence of society, for enterprises, for shareholders, for employees created value. Individual values from the value team, not realizing the value of the team, as team members -- will be the value of the individual. 1, the team including business enterprises and individuals, the significance lies in the creation of their survival value. Outstanding enterprises are able in the fierce market competition and rapidly changing survive, evolving because they created more prominent than those of the average value of the enterprise, so that they can attract more resources and personnel. As a job, it should be possible for enterprises and the creation of value for shareholders, customers maximize create added value and create value partners, create more social value. Lack of capital value is a waste of shareholder resources is a waste of social resources, people lose market exists. Enterprises or individuals do not create value society will be eliminated. 2, the first is to create value for society, for enterprises, as shareholders, to create value for their employees. We have tried to avoid the topic of the value of the individual, everyone has the right to pursue such values. However, no team performance and growth, not to enhance enterprise performance, how can we guarantee the realization of personal value; Xin Yuan overall performance of the company without the rapid development, how can we talk about each person Xin Yuan wealth and value. 3, the creation of value from the work we do our own. We value all the work performance is the ultimate embodiment of the external, is the path to achieve value do our own work, in their own posts perform their duties and achieving goals. Xin Yuan as part of the company, every colleague to uphold "the pursuit of progress, beyond self" spirit of the idea, develop the company's team spirit, dedication and learning and work hard to accomplish our goals. Accomplished this step, you will have achieved at their posts to create value. One of the world's most famous military academies : West Point American school training only three words : responsibility, honor, country. Although simple, but it is on these three words, the West Point train batch after batch of outstanding strategist, they have made to world peace immortal contributions. Now, Xin Yuan companies are at a higher goals and ideals of the landmark year, we also give the three key "honor, responsibility, values," Let us work together to understand and establish a "Advocating honour, the defence responsibilities, the creation of value," the guiding ideology to guide their work and enhance their own qualities. Xin Yuan companies to achieve a qualitative leap and contribute!