治心脏病的中成药:asp 80004005 错误,请高手帮忙解决!!!

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/06/02 09:41:53
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers 错误 '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]行中有错误

/manage/admin/Templet/Templet_MallStyleAdd.asp,行 75
<% Option Explicit %>
<!--#include file="../../../Inc/Const.asp" -->
<!--#include file="../../../Inc/Cls_DB.asp" -->
<!--#include file="../../../Inc/Function.asp" -->
Dim DBC,Conn
Set DBC = New DataBaseClass
Set Conn = DBC.OpenConnection()
Set DBC = Nothing
<!--#include file="../../../Inc/Session.asp" -->
<!--#include file="../../../Inc/CheckPopedom.asp" -->
if Not ((JudgePopedomTF(Session("Name"),"P031201")) OR (JudgePopedomTF(Session("Name"),"P031202"))) then Call ReturnError()
Dim StyleID,RsStyleObj,SQLStr,StyleName,StyleContent,Operation
StyleID = Request("ID")
If (Not IsNumeric(StyleID)) and StyleID<>"" then response.end
If instr(Request.form("StyleName"),";")<>0 or instr(Request.form("StyleName"),"'")<>0 then response.end
Operation = Request.Form("Operation")
if StyleID <> "" then
if Operation = "Modify" then
StyleName = NoCSSHackAdmin(Request.Form("StyleName"),"样式名称")
StyleContent = Request.Form("StyleContent")
Set RsStyleObj = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
SQLStr = "Select * From FS_MallListStyle where ID=" & StyleID & ""
RsStyleObj.Open SQLStr,Conn,1,3
if Not RsStyleObj.Eof then
StyleName = RsStyleObj("Name")
StyleContent = RsStyleObj("Content")
StyleName = ""
StyleContent = ""
end if
Set RsStyleObj = Nothing
end if
StyleName = NoCSSHackAdmin(Request.Form("StyleName"),"样式名称")
StyleContent = Request.Form("StyleContent")
end if
StyleContent = Replace(Replace(StyleContent,"""","%22"),"'","%27")
if Operation = "Modify" then SaveStyle StyleID
Sub SaveStyle(EditStyleID)
Dim RsTemp,EditSql,RsCheckObj,CheckSql
if Request.form("StyleName") = "" then
Alert "请填写样式名称"
Exit Sub
if EditStyleID = "" then
CheckSql = "Select * from FS_MallListStyle where Name='" & Request.form("StyleName") & "'"
CheckSql = "Select * from FS_MallListStyle where Name='" & Request.form("StyleName") & "' and ID<>" & EditStyleID
end if
Set RsCheckObj = Conn.Execute(CheckSql)
if Not RsCheckObj.Eof then
Alert "标签名已经存在"
Set RsCheckObj = Nothing
Exit Sub
end if
Set RsCheckObj = Nothing
end if
'On Error Resume Next
Set RsTemp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
if EditStyleID = "" then
EditSql = "Select * from FS_MallListStyle where 1=0"
RsTemp.Open EditSql,Conn,3,3
EditSql = "Select * from FS_MallListStyle where ID=" & StyleID
RsTemp.Open EditSql,Conn,3,3
if RsTemp.Eof then Alert "修改的标签不存在"
end if
RsTemp("Name") = Request.Form("StyleName")
RsTemp("Content") = Request.form("StyleContent")
Set RsTemp = Nothing
if err.Number=0 then
