
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/06/02 23:14:21
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Hello,everyone!In some science fiction movies,people in the future have their own robots.These robots are just like humans.They help with the housework,and do the most unpleasant jobs.
Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future.and the robots will everywhere!and humans will have less work to do.New robots will have many different shapes.Some will look like humans,and others might look like snakes.After an earthquake,a snake robot could help look for people under buildings.That may not seem possible now,but computers,space rockets and even electric toothbrushes seemed impossible a hundred years ago.
We never know what will happen in the future!


Snohomish High School
Tonight is a turning point in our lives. We've struggled through 12 longs years together to make it to this stadium -- to wear these ridiculous looking caps and gowns as our families watch us proudly. But tonight is more than just a ceremony, it is the closing of a chapter in our lives, the end of our public education.
Our education has been a time of maturing, goal-setting and self-discovery. Mostly this has been positive.

Time sure flies, so my parents say, but I think it's been a long 12 years -- 13 if you count kindergarten when our parents first put us on that big yellow school bus. As time passed, we discovered that school wasn't so bad. We learned reading, writing, arithmetic, and of course, our most scholarly class: recess.

Junior high was another story. We were very eager to discover ourselves and to mature -- perhaps too eager. Above all, we learned to think a lot about ourselves and not much about anything else.

High school has been a time of self-discovery for all of us. Suddenly, in high school we got responsibility -- more than we wanted. We balanced jobs, sports, family, friends, and of course, homework. We also found ourselves busy with school assignments -- chasing down butterflies for our biology insect collections, parallel parking the family car for driver's ed., going to the library to actually do research and pulling all-nighters to write our term papers. It is not surprising that by the middle of 12th grade we began to develop a little syndrome -- sometimes referred to as senioritous. However, we managed to trudge through the last part of this year to achieve the dream and goal that we've worked so hard for. High school has really been about setting goals and accomplishing them.

As this chapter closes in our lives, it gives way for the opening of many more chapters to come; all of which will bring new challenges. Accomplishing our dreams is what gives meaning to life. The poet Carl Sandburg said, "Nothing happens unless first a dream." It is important for us to dream big and to set goals. Tonight as we build our dreams I would like to leave you with the words of the late Mother Teresa:

"Life is an opportunity, benefit from it

Life is a dream, realize it

Life is a challenge, meet it

Life is costly, care for it

Life is a promise, fulfill it

Life is a struggle, accept it

Life is an adventure, dare it

Life is Life, fight for it!

To the Class of 1998, I wish you all success!!