
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/06/07 23:13:37
I... was... pure... once.
Fought... for... righteousness.
I... was... called... Ashbringer.
Betrayed... by... my... order.
Destroyed... by... Kel'Thuzad.
Made... to serve.
My... son... watched... me... die.
Crusades... fed his rage.
Truth... is... unknown... to him.
Scarlet... Crusade ... is pure... no longer.
Balnazaar's... crusade... corrupted... my son.
Kill... them... all!

I... was... pure... once. 我曾经是纯洁的
Fought... for... righteousness. 为正义而战
I... was... called... Ashbringer. 我被叫做ashbringer
Betrayed... by... my... order. 被我的原则所背叛
Destroyed... by... Kel'Thuzad. 被kel'thuzad所摧毁
Made... to serve. 被当作仆人
My... son... watched... me... die. 我的儿子看着我死
Crusades... fed his rage. 他靠战争尔生
Truth... is... unknown... to him. 真实对他来说未知的
Scarlet... Crusade ... is pure... no longer. 猩红色的战争不再纯洁
Balnazaar's... crusade... corrupted... my son. balnazaar的战争是我的儿子坠落
Kill... them... all! 把他们全都杀死!

我曾经是纯洁. 争取正义. 我叫Ashbringer. 我背叛了秩序. Kel'thuzad摧毁. 为发. 看着我儿子死. 他愤怒育军. 真不知道他. 猩红十字军已不再是单纯. Balnazaar的儿子腐蚀斗争. 他们全部杀死!
我曾经是纯净的。为正义战斗。我告诉Ashbringer 。由我的次序背叛。由Kel'Thuzad 毁坏。做服务。我的儿子观看我死。运动哺养了他的愤怒。真相是未知的对他。猩红色运动不再是纯净的。Balnazaar 的运动腐败了我的儿子。杀害他们全部!