程鹏友爱超级访问:whenever whereever这首歌是谁演唱的?

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/06/03 23:47:56
whenever whereever这首歌是谁演唱的?

Whenever Wherever Shakira Lucky you were born that far away
So we could both make fun of distance
Lucky that I love a foreign man for
The lucky fact of your existence
Baby I would climb the Andes solely
To count the freckles on your body
Never could imagine there were only
So many ways to love somebody
Le ro lo le lo le
Le ro lo le lo le
Can't you see...I'm at your feet
Whenever, Wherever
We're meant to be together
I'll be there and you'll be near
And that's the deal my dear

You're over, you're under
You'll never have to wonder

We can always play by ear
But that's the deal my dear

Lucky that my lips not only mumble
they spill kisses like a fountain
Lucky that my breasts are small and humble
So you don't confuse them with mountains
Lucky I have strong legs like my mother
To run for cover when I need it
And these two eyes are for no other
The day you leave will cry a river

Le ro lo le lo le
Le ro lo le lo le

At your feet...I'm at your feet

Whenever, Wherever
We're meant to be together
I'll be there and you'll be near
And that's the deal my dear
You're over, you're under
You'll never have to wonder
We can always play by ear
But that's the deal my dear

Le ro lo le lo le
Le ro lo le lo le

We can fly, say it again

Le ro lo le lo le lo le

Tell me one more time
That you're there
Lost in my eyes

Whenever, wherever
We're meant to be together
I'll be there and you'll be near
And that's the deal my dear
You're over, you're under
You've got me head over heels
There's nothing left to fear
If you really feel the way I feel

Whenever, wherever
We're meant to be together
I'll be there and you'll be near
And that's the deal my dear
You're over, you're under
You've got me head over heels
There's nothing left to fear
If you really feel the way I feel 拉丁音乐天后: 夏奇拉 Shakira

1977年2月2日出生於哥伦比亚、本名Shakira Mebarak Ripoll。Shakira 是个集创作与演唱才华、性感热情与优雅於一身的天生艺人。她自10岁起便开始在各个地区性及全国性的音乐大赛中拔得头筹,未满13岁,即与Sony唱片公司签下合约,而她的首张专辑"Magia",便已是将她在8到13 岁之间所创作完成的作品集结而成。而今,Shakira除了一再地获得各种音乐奖项的肯定外,更被极具影响力与极高荣耀指标的美国Time杂志选为杂志封面人物,被推举为当今Latin艺人的代表人物。

1996年,夏奇拉发表了首张拉丁专辑"Pies Descalzos",不仅创下全球4百万张的销售佳绩,更实际地打破了拉丁流行音乐既有的公式化模式,赋与拉丁乐界从未有过的真实的声音。好比"Pies Descalzos"专辑中的畅销单曲「Estoy Aqui」,曲调便充满了旋律性、令人惊喜的音乐性及个性,加上她充满知性的词句,电子与传统原音乐器的灵活运用,将拉丁流行音乐带往更高、更宽广的境界领域。

1998年,夏奇拉推出了第二张拉丁专辑"DONDE ESTAN LOS LADRONES",此辑是为Shakira赢得第41届葛莱美音乐奖"最佳拉丁摇滚/另类艺人"奖项的作品,辑中所收录的作品包括了「Ciega, Sordomuda」「Tu」「Inevitable」「Ojos Asi」「Moscas En La Casa」都已成为Billboard拉丁榜Top 25排行名曲,其中「Ciega, Sordomuda」「Tu」已分别陆续登上冠军宝座,而专辑本身除了已在全美销售突破50 万张金唱片的销售纪录外,并已成功地登上流行专辑榜上!这张畅销专辑而后在2000年还发行了亚洲版,特别加收录她前张专辑中的畅销单曲「Estoy Aqui」的三种混音版,是喜爱拉丁音乐的乐迷不可或缺的收藏!

2000年推出的"MTV Unplugged",专辑中歌曲全部现场收音自Shakira於1999年8月12日,为拉丁美洲区的MTV电视网所举行的演唱会实况,而该场演唱会并已於同年度的9月间在拉丁美洲及透过Telemundo网络在美国境内强力播放。在这场MTV现场演唱会中,Shakira演唱了多首她先前的几张白金专辑中的畅销单曲,包括了"Pies Descalzos"专辑中的畅销单曲「Estoy Aqui」,"Donde Estan Los Ladrones"专辑中的Billboard拉丁榜Top 25排行名曲「Inevitable」「Ojos Asi」「Moscas En La Casa」及两首冠军单曲「Ciega, Sordomuda」「Tu」,其中「Ciega, Sordomuda」更是和一支墨西哥流浪乐队合作完成。

站稳拉丁及美国市场后,Shakira在今年推出首张英文专辑Laundry Service,一人挑起词曲创作、制作大任,尽情施展她多层次声音扮演,从甜美、狂放、神秘..等自在摆荡,发行首周跃上Billboard榜Top3。首支单曲Whenever, Wherever奔放、野性十足的动感情歌,以安地斯山脉排笛、巴西鼓等传统乐器调味,目前位居单曲榜Top6急速窜升中;而身为百事可乐美国、拉丁美洲广告代言人Shakirak带来广告主题曲Ojos Asi的英文版Eyes Likes Yours…。夏奇拉这次全新的出击,证明了她将继天王瑞奇马汀入主国际流行乐坛后,成为拉丁女声的国际级天后!

是Shakira的歌~~Whenever Wherever
