
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/06/05 10:40:44

(首先,坚决不认同楼主的观点. no wonder you want to be rich. Here is my advice if you really have a girl like that: Either my way or highway!!!)

Like all other girls, my girl is also very materialistic.First she wanted a house. I bought her one. Next, she wanted a car. Fine, here is a car. Then she said she wanted to visit the moon. So I put her in the rocket ship and sent her up there.Guess what she wants now? She wants the sun! I said to myself,"well, well, well,as long as she is around with me, there is no way I could have any peace." It's true that men like to hear their girls say,"darling, more please." But that could be really scary if their girls keep saying"more and more!".

1.materialistic---是指那些一味追求物质享受的人.美国歌星 Madonna出道时唱红的一首歌就叫"Material Girl"

Women are all realistic. She longs for a car after buying a house; while longs for a "Lunar Rover" after buying a car; and if I have sent my wife to the moon, she would say:"I want to fly to the sun".
I think her desires would fade away as soon as she melted.
A husband is fond of hearing "I want..." said by his wife, while what he fears to hear is also "I also want".

女的很现实的。 房子买了,还要车,车我给买了,人家要登月车。我把老婆送上月亮了,人家说,要飞向太阳。 我心想,她什么时候化了,她就消停了。男人喜欢听女人说,"我要";最怕女人说的也是,"我还要!"


Women are very realistic, or rather materialistic.
After I had bought the house for my wife, she wanted a car. After I had bought a car she wished it was a better one that could be driven on the Moon. I know if I could offer her to travel to the Moon, she would say "I want to continue to the Sun". I think, or rather I wish, should she get melted and burned out, would come my peace.
A man is so pleased when his woman says "I want...". However, for sure it would terrify him when she said "I want MORE!"


Woman demands infinitely. When moving into a new house, she needs a car. A new car under her ride, she wants the type driven on the moon. When sent to the moon, she's yearning for the sun. She would disappear as vapor rather than stop demanding. Man enjoys his woman saying 'I want ...'. But when she says 'And I want ...', it's always devastating/a headache.

She would disappear as vapor rather than stop demanding.按原文的意思是,她被太阳晒化了才会停止,但同时这句也表达了真实的意思,她临死都不会停止要求。
最后,我认为'And I want ...'比'I want more'更能准确表达“我还想要(别的东西)”的意思。
最后一词,如果用devastating,表示彻底破坏了男人对女人所有美好的感觉,用a headache表示的是无奈。


Women are all very realistic, she wanted a car after getting a villa, so I boutght one for her, then she wanted a moon vehicle, and I sent her to the moon, after that she said: I want to fly to the sun, which makes me think: she will never be quiet only after burnt. Here man usually like to hear from woman, I need you, and he will be so frightened from hearing :I need you more.

woman is realistic. She gets house, and then she wants car. I buy the car,and then she wants moon car. I send wife to the moon, and then she says:" I wanna fly to the sun." I calculate she would quietdown only after burning up. Men hope women to say "i want you",but men are very much afraid women to say "I want you more"!

2。“化”是因为要飞到太阳上去。一种比拟。用thaw这样一个主要用来形容冰雪融化的词略显生硬,其实用burn up这样一个词应该可以表达了,意思是烧化了。
3。“消停”这样一个词仔细一理解,其实就是表示“安静了,不折腾了”,所以用quietdown, 或者calm down.
4. 本文中的“登月车”意思很含糊。可能楼主的本来意思是飞船,因为这样才人把人“送”上月球,这里尊重原文,还是用登月车。在本版曾经有过问题翻译登月车,有moon rover, 有moonbuggy,其实就是月球车。老年人用的手持按摩器就是模仿这种设计。这种科技词都是后创的。其实最早就叫moon car,参阅http://www.garfield.library.upenn.edu/michaelis/title218.pdf,说明了这个词的从moon car,到lunar roving vehicle的演变。但是在本文中,开始说到买车car,然后戏谑到月球车。为了适合语境,用moon car应该最为适合。
5。最后的“我要”“我还要”体现了楼主的冷幽默。大家都请到过这个笑话。所以如果直译i want,没有办法体会出意思,不了解文化背景的人更是不知所云(顺便说一句,似乎用i still want更准确)我这里翻译成,i want you, i want you more. 其双关意思相当贴切。i want you more还是一首流行歌曲呢!大家有兴趣可以到网上找找。