
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/06/16 07:21:17
An interactive debugger enables a programmer at run-time to select one or more break points in a program being tested. When the program reaches a break point it will halt its execution and signal its position to the programmer at a terminal. The programmer may then examine the contents of any of the data items used within the program, change those contents if desired and resume operation of the program. These breakpoints may be set and removed as the program executes without the need to recompile. Data items are interrogated by the programmer quoting their symbolic name, for example, TOTAL, rather than having to know their actual memory address. This will normally necessitate the programmer indicating to the compiler at compile time the intention to use the debugger. This indication ensures that the compiler generates whatever code and tables may be needed for the debugging activity to take place at run-time.

交互式调试工,使程式在磨合时间选择一个或多个突破点计画面临考验. 当到达休息点计划将停止执行,并显示出它的位置在码头程式. 可程式检查项目内容的任何资料的使用计划,如果需要改变的内容,并恢复运作的计画. 这些breakpoints清除,可定为计划的执行,而不必重新. 数据项目的讯问程式引述姓名的象征,如全部,而不是要知道自己的实际记忆的地址. 这通常需要说明的程式在整理汇编一次打算使用调试工. 这表明确保产生什么汇编代码和调试所需表格可进行经营活动的时间.