
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/06/10 08:39:27
现代传播媒介的不断进步,造成了今天大众的眼睛处在各种各样的图像文化(真实的、虚拟的、平面的、立体的、无声的、有声的、主动的、被动的、活动的、静止的、写实的、卡通的、艺术的、生活的等等)的狂轰滥炸之下,必须思索图像文化通过什么方式影响大众的审美心理乃至大众文化?图像文化时代的到来在新世纪中究竟会给人类生活造成什么样的变化?如果说人类文化的发展经历了从“视文化”到“读文化”再到“视文化”的发展过程的话,无疑今天的视觉文化是极其丰富、多样、复杂甚至是混乱的。电子媒介的到来是个不争的事实, 它的时代特征是图像增殖。这对以印刷媒介为基础的文学和文学研究产生了极大的冲击, 甚至也可以说形成了不可忽视的文学危机。其具体表现主要有二:一是重组了文学的审美构成, 二是瓦解了文学赖以存在的深度主体。

Modern media advances caused the public eye in a wide range of cultural images (real, virtual, graphic and three-dimensional, silent, audio, active and passive, activities, static, realistic and cartoon, art, life, etc.) under the bombing, Image must reflect the impact of mass culture through what means the aesthetic and psychological popular culture? Image cultural era in the new century, what would change in human life caused by what? If the experience from the development of human culture "as a culture" to "reading culture" then "depending on culture," the development process, no doubt today's visual culture is extremely rich, diverse, complex and even chaotic. The advent of electronic media is an indisputable fact that it is image multiplication of the times. This in print media-based literature and literary studies have a great impact, or even can not ignore that a literary crisis. Its specific performance mainly two : First, the reorganization of the literature aesthetic form and the second is the collapse of the existing literature on the main depth.