
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/06/02 23:34:32


Love That Will Never Grow Old

Go to sleep, may your sweet dreams come true
Just lay back in my arms for one more night
I've this crazy old notion that calls me sometimes
Saying this one's the love of our lives.

Cause I know a love that will never grow old
And I know a love that will never grow old.

When you wake up the world may have changed
But trust in me, I'll never falter or fail
Just the smile in your eyes, it can light up the night,
And your laughter's like wind in my sails.


Lean on me, let our hearts beat in time,
Feel strength from the hands that have held you so long.
Who cares where we go on this rutted old road
In a world that may say that we're wrong.



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2.He Was A Friend Of Mine
3.Brokeback Mountain 1
4.A Love That Will Never Grow Old
5.King Of The Road
7.The Devil's Right Hand
8.No One's Gonna Love You Like Me
9.Brokeback Mountain 2
10.I Don't Want To Say Goodbye
11.I Will Never Let You Go
12.Riding Horses
13.An Angel Went Up In Flames
14.Its So Easy
15.Brokeback Mountain 3
16.The Maker Makes
17.The Wings


01. Opening - Gustavo Santaolalla
02. He Was A Friend Of Mine - Willie Nelson
03. Brokeback Mountain 1 - Gustavo Santaolalla
04. A Love That Will Never Grow Old - Emmylou Harris
05. King Of The Road - Rufus Wainwright
06. Snow - Gustavo Santaolalla
07. The Devil's Right Hand - Steve Earle
08. No One's Gonna Love You Like Me - Mary McBride
09. Brokeback Mountain 2 - Gustavo Santaolalla
10. I Don't Want To Say Goodbye - Teddy Thompson
11. I Will Never Let You Go - Jackie Green
12. Riding Horses - Gustavo Santaolalla
13. An Angel Went Up In Flames - The Gas Band
14. Its So Easy - Linda Ronstadt
15. Brokeback Mountain 3 - Gustavo Santaolalla
16. The Maker Makes - Rufus Wainwright
17. The Wings - Gustavo Santaolalla

专辑介绍: 二○○五威尼斯影展的最高荣誉——金狮奖最佳影片由《断背山》拿下,让导演李安成为出身台湾并获得奥斯卡与三大影展肯定的第一位国际导演,同时证明他游走于商业与艺术衡度的功力已臻非凡。

由普立兹奖编剧Larry McMurtry与Diana Ossana改编自普立兹文学奖得主Annie Proulx的同名短篇小说:1963年夏,一段平实而刻骨的恋情,在怀俄明州的荒凉草原与冷冽山坡上静默地延烧着;一个是牧场青年、一个是竞技牛仔,因命运而相识、因际遇而分开,廿年的别离又重聚、爱念与忿怨,在各自步入婚姻的无形压抑与有形的社会牢笼中翻滚挣扎。他们受到永恒与信任的考验,这一切都源自与生俱来的力量——爱。


担任原创配乐的Gustavo Santaolalla是当今拉丁音乐界最富盛名的制作人,也是二○○五年拉丁葛莱美奖的年度最佳制作人。出生阿根廷,揉合摇滚、爵士与传统拉丁乐,曾以《摩托车日记》原声带获得英国奥斯卡奖最佳电影配乐,他在《断背山》再现神妙吉他功力,简单拨弦勾勒出广漠草原景致,搭配弦乐也为这段悲伤爱情铺展出朴实隽永的意象;

乡村女杰Emmylou Harris为他所写的"A Love That Will Never Grow Old"献出绝美嗓音诠释,"No One’s Gonna Love You Like Me"里民谣歌手Mary McBride和着吉他散发幽幽蓝草风味,当代草根新星Jackie Greene的"I Will Never Let You Go"温柔固执,新生代民谣歌手Teddy Thompson在"I Don’t Want To Say Goodbye"中唱出青春深情;他与已出柜的加拿大创作才子Rufus Wainwright翻唱六○年代乡村巨匠Roger Miller名作"King of the Road"展现摇摆风味。草根摇滚歌手Steve Earle为本片重新灌录代表作"The Devil’s Right Hand",乡村长青老将Willie Nelson翻作Bob Dylan编曲的民谣"He Was A Friend Of Mine"隐约呼应结局,让人不胜唏嘘。