
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/06/10 00:39:05
DR. EDWARD HALLOWELL, A PSYCHIATRIST in Sudbury, Massachusetts has seen the fallout of multitasking mania: it walks through his door five days a week. Over the past decade, he says he has seen a tenfold rise in the number of patients showing up with symptoms that closely resemble those of attention-deficit disorder (ADD), but of a work-induced variety. “They complained that they were more irritable than they wanted to be,” he says. “Their productivity was declining. They couldn’t get organized. They were making decisions in black-and-white, shoot-form-the-hip ways rather than giving things adequate thought, all because they felt pressured to get things done quickly.” But Hallowell, and ADD expert and co-author of several best-selling books on the subject, including 1994’s Driven to Distraction, noticed something different about his new cases. Unlike patients with typical ADD, which persists no matter the setting, the new patients felt frantic only in certain situations-mainly in the workplace or, for at-home moms while managing the home front.
In a Harvard Business Review article last January, Hallowell gave the condition a name: attention-deficit trait, or ADT. He explains that ADT takes hold when we got so overloaded with incoming message and competing tasks that we are unable to prioritize. The result is not only distractibility, impulsiveness and haste but also feelings of guilt and inadequacy. “People think it’s their fault that they’re falling behind,” he says. “They think they have to sleep less and work harder and stay later at the office, which only makes it worse because they’re not taking care of their brain by getting enough sleep.” How common is this phenomenon? “It’s rampant,” says Hallowell, who believes that corporate downsizing and job insecurity contribute to the problem. “When I give lectures around the country, there’s always instant identification with what I’m saying. People in the audience immediately say, ‘Oh yes, that’s me,’ or ‘My whole office is like that.’ ”

在去年一月的<<哈佛商业评论>>中, 哈洛韦尔给这种情况下了一个新定义:注意缺乏特质(ADT)。他解释说,当各种信息压得我们喘不过气,当我们面临一大堆任务而又不能区分优先次序时,注意缺乏特质就会出现。当事人不仅集中不了精力、易冲动、着急,还会感到内疚和自卑。“当事人会认为自己落伍了,所有错都是咎由自取,”哈洛韦尔说,“这时候,他们觉得应该睡少一点,更加努力工作。这样一来,情况只会更糟糕,因为缺乏睡眠,他们的大脑得不到足够的休息。”那么,这种医学现象在现代社会有多普遍呢?哈洛韦尔的回答令人大吃一惊:“如潮成风。”他认为,公司精简机构、员工工作缺乏保障等社会现状加剧了这种现象的蔓延。哈洛韦尔深有感触地说:“当我在全美巡回演讲时,台下观众对我演讲的内容不断做出肯定的回应。他们会说,‘天哪,那就是我,’或者是,‘我的办公室就是这样的情景。’”

this is a no way. I can't just do it for nothing.