宝贝小情人 字幕百度云:凯丽米洛的英文名怎么写

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/06/07 04:06:00

英文姓名:Kylie Ann Minogue

澳洲流行歌后凯莉 米洛
以澳洲肥皂剧邻家女孩形象崛起,从80年代红遍歌坛的玉女歌手到当今呼风唤雨的性感女神,凯莉米洛(Kylie Minogue)绝对是流行乐史足以和麦当娜并驾齐驱的超级天后。

87年一首〈I Should Be So Lucky〉风靡全球歌坛后,出道的前七首歌在英国不是冠军、就是亚军;短短三年凯莉缔造连续13首Top10纪录,而92年推出《PWL唱片时期》精选则成为她英国榜第三张冠军专辑,这个时期总计就产生〈I Should Be So Lucky〉、〈Especially For You〉、〈Hand On your Heart〉、〈Tears On My Pillow〉四首冠军金曲和〈The Loco Motion〉等六首亚军曲;凯莉不但成功掳获美国市场,88年和杰森唐纳文合唱的〈Especially For You〉更是红遍全球市场,成为不少华语地区最受欢迎的对唱情歌!94年转型加入Deconstruction以全面的音乐再度征服歌坛,全英亚军曲〈Confide In Me〉外,她还缔造6首Top20劲曲,一直到现在,俨然欧陆歌坛一姐的凯莉已经写下包括6首冠军的35首英国畅销曲,也是歌坛除了麦当娜外,唯一横跨80、90和2000年代都有英国榜冠军曲的女歌手。

凯莉最早由英国最畅销制作组合SAW( Stock, Aitken & Waterman) 一手打造,在PWL时代创下洋洋洒洒的排行纪录,但由于PWL在国内的发行权一直没有引进,她92年的PWL精选作品已经消失多年,让不少凯莉迷都无从找寻,成为心中难忍之痛,还好,2003年BMG唱片正式取的凯莉在PWL时期的作品,破天荒第一次将凯莉在87-97年十年的金曲一次收录,以超值双CD单片价的包装收录了26首凯莉最轰动的代表作和8首混音。此张2003年版的双CD精选辑《Greatest Hits 87-97》经由最新数位化录音技术,首度完整串联凯莉在PWL/DeConstruction两大音乐厂版期间的11首英国金榜冠亚军单曲以及12首TOP 20单曲,巨细靡远的纪录“邻家女孩凯莉”到“性感女神凯莉”的成长与蜕变,让乐迷感受‘超热凯莉’出道以来一路升温的沸腾人气,囊括“I Shoule Be So Lucky”、“Especially For You”、“Hand On Your Heart”、“Tears On My Pillow”、等4首冠军曲与“The Loco-Motion”、“Got To Be Certain”、“Better The Devil You Know”等7首亚军曲,更破天荒挖到“I Shoule Be So Lucky”、“The Loco-Motion”、“Hand On Your Heart”、“Wouldn’t Change A Thing”…等8首绝版单曲的混音版。

当你沉醉在凯莉〈Can't Get You Out Of My Head〉时,更不能错过凯莉演唱〈Better The Devil You Know〉和〈Step Back In Time〉的媚惑娆媚,而不管迷漫复古情怀的〈Tears On My Pillow〉、少女诗意幻梦的〈Hand On Your Heart〉、〈Je Ne Sais Pas Pourquoi〉;还有呈现新舞曲diva味的〈Word Is Out〉、洋溢Motown的〈Give Me Just A Little More Time〉到恋人互道缱绻深情的〈If You Were With Me Now〉,从凯莉千变万化的曲风和音乐的无限可能都在这张精选一一呈现。迈入21世纪,凯莉米洛的畅销单曲依然在排行榜上热络穿梭,对新歌迷来说,这张精选适时的提供了见证凯莉出道以来撼动乐坛的性感神话的机会,让人更认识凯莉的独一无二,对一路伴随凯莉的歌迷来说,这是一次见证她成长的音乐黄金岁月全纪录。

Kylie Ann Minogue

Kylie Ann Minogue was born on 28 May, 1968. The eldest of three children, Kylie's acting career began early, but it was her role as Charlene in the Australian soap "Neighbours" (1985) which established Kylie as an international star. Her singing career began purely by accident when a record company executive heard Kylie's rendition of Little Eva's 1962 hit "The Loco-Motion". She signed with PWL Records and hit-makers Stock/Aitken/Waterman in 1987. Five albums and a greatest hits compilation followed, and she made history by having more than 20 consecutive top ten hits in the UK. Her motion picture debut came with the starring role of Lola in The Delinquents (1989). She left PWL Records in 1992 to head in a decidedly more mature musical direction, and her self-titled debut on deconstruction records was released in 1994, spawning chart hits like "Confide In Me" and "Put Yourself In My Place". Kylie's doings were always a favorite subject of the press, but she really made waves with her controversial 1995 duet with Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, "Where the Wild Roses Grow". 1997 saw the release of Kylie's first single in more than 3 years, "Some Kind of Bliss" co-written and produced by James Dean Bradfield and Sean Moore of The Manic Street Preachers.

Kylie Minogue

Kylie Minogue

Kylie Ann Minogue
