otc代表培训心得体会:ring a bell是什么意思?

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/06/07 09:40:40

ring a bell是口语用法,意思是“记得”。

这里有一段对话,体会下ring a bell的用处吧(偶其实是想得小红旗,呵呵)

LL: Hey, Li Hua, does the name "Laura Wilson" ring any bells for you?

LH:Laura Wilson?不是那个上星期我们在网球场上碰到的那个金发女孩嘛?她为什么要为我打铃呀?她和打铃有什么关系?

LL:Oh, no! If someone asks you if something "rings a bell," then he is asking if you remember it. I just got a phone message from Laura Wilson and I can't remember who she is.

LH: Larry, 你年纪轻轻,怎么那么健忘!Laura Wilson上星期在网球场上还跟我们说她准备去当职业网球手。

LL: Oh, now I remember who she is. Once you mentioned her plan to be a professional tennis player, then her name rang a bell with me.

LH: Larry, to ring a bell这个说法很有意思。你刚才问我,Laura的名字有没有ring a bell,就是在问我记不记得Laura。那也就是说,要是我记得的话,那我脑子里就会个铃声。

LL: It's a very vivid expression and easy to remember. Right?

LH: 对,我们和她说好下个周末一起打网球,你还记得吗?Does that ring a bell?

LL: Yeah, that rings a bell. What time were we supposed to meet her?

LH: 我记得我们约好了下午4点种在网球场碰面的。

LL: That rings a bell, too. I had better write that down so that I don't forget again.

LH: Larry, 这个星期五是2月11号,怎么样,那是什么日子啊?Does that ring a bell?

LL: It rings a bell, but I'm not sure why. Could you refresh my memory?

LH: Larry! 我真不敢相信你居然忘记了!

LL: I'm just kidding, Li Hua. Of course, I remember that Friday is your birthday.

Ring a bell:想起。

看过动画的都知道,里面某个小动物想起什么事情,都会有一个“叮”的声音。所以这就是ring a bell的意思吧。呵呵

ring a bell 使人回忆起(听起来熟悉)

就是提醒的意思, 也就可以指茅塞顿开


正确的意思是: 听起来耳儿熟...


ring a bell