药品otc市场是什么:切 格瓦拉的英文 怎么写

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/06/15 13:53:49
就是南美的解放者 那个人

201.Re: 急问一个问题,请大牛解答!!
The survey appears to suffer from several statistical problems, any of which renders the survey's
results unreliable.
我们从这个句子中可以看出,any of which renders the survey's results unreliable是一个非限定性定语从句,它对不对呢?我们一起来看一下:
从句的主语应该是 any of which, which 指代的是problems,还原一下,可以看得清楚,其实就是:any of problems renders the survey's results unreliable.意思就是其中任何一个问题都致使 the survey's results unreliable.
所以,我的观点是,这句话在语法功能上是对的。如果把any of 去掉,有两点不妥:
(2)语气上弱了很多,不能表达问题的严重性,任何一个问题都可以致使the survey's results unreliable。
202.Re:什么起很大作用,除了 play a great role in ,还有什么常用表达 其他词组
就想起几个:be effective; play a part in... fulfil a function
呵呵 我还想起一个“不起作用”cut no ice :)
203.Re: 问xmsand翻译
焚书坑儒burning books and burying Confucion scholars alive
(by Qing Shihuang, the first emperor of Qing Dynasty)
204.Re: “子不教,父之过”如何翻译?If a son is uneducated, his dad is to blame.
205.Re: 求教:"国民素质""发挥才华"怎么翻译?
"国民素质"national quality "发挥才华"bring one's talent into play;
release one's gifts; give one's play to one's talent
206. Re: 我也请教xmsand 一个翻译,呵呵,科普读物怎么说阿?
popular science book/reader
科普science popularization科普工作science popularization work
科普工作者popularizer of science
207.Re: 人既有社会性,也有自然性,怎么说啊?
Man is a natural as well as social creature/being.
208.Re: ==请问:巴黎公社怎么翻译?==Paris Commune
209.Re: ==共产党宣言怎么翻译呀?==Communist Manifesto
210.Research is also the chief means by which we seek after the truth, 发现新的物?,探索新的领域,从而使人类能更好地发挥自身的能力,创造更多的财富,促进社会、人的进步怎么 翻译 阿 ?
To seek truth, make new discoveries, explore new areas, thus to tap man's greater potential
to procure more wealth, and finally speed the mutual progress of the entire humanity, the major
means is still the scientific research.
211.Re: 请问才华横溢怎么说
brim with talent; overflow with talent; be full of wit; have superb talent.
常用表达:才华横溢的人man of brilliant intellect; person of exuberant talent
他是个才华横溢的学者。He is a scholar of superb talent.
212.Re: 万有引力和日心说呢
日心说Heliocentricism;heliocentric theory
万有引力(universal)gravitation;gravitational force;gravity
213.Re: 告别旧时代是congee the old age?
用farewell to old times 吧:)
214.Re: 阳春白雪和曲高和寡呢
阳春白雪Spring Snow(melodies of the élite in the State of Chu) —— highbrow art and literature. e.g. Many of the writer's books are considered caviar to the
general public.
曲高和寡highbrow songs find few singers —— be so highbrow that few people can enjoy or understand
215.Re: 社会性怎么说啊,比如人是有社会性的sociality
216.找到迷宫的出口,怎么说啊?find the maze exit
217. 必经之路only path/way
e.g. only road to economic development经济发展的必经之路
218. 吸取经验和教训extract experience and draw a lesson

Che ·Guevara

Che ·Guevara