
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/06/17 23:13:59
我需要向外籍朋友介绍中国的节气-立秋的相关信息,但手头并没有英文资料,不知道哪位朋友可以提供? 谢谢谢谢!!!!!

Autumn begins.

  Autumn Begins In Martins Ferry, Ohio
  James Wright
  In the Shreve High football stadium,
  I think of Polacks nursing long beers in Tiltonsville,
  And gray faces of Negroes in the blast furnace at Benwood,
  And the ruptured night watchman of Wheeling Steel,
  Dreaming of heroes.

  All the proud fathers are ashamed to go home.
  Their women cluck like starved pullets,
  Dying for love.

  Their sons grow suicidally beautiful
  At the beginning of October,
  And gallop terribly against each other's bodies.

  二十四节气 The 24 Solar Terms:
  立春 Spring begins.
  雨水 The rains.
  惊蛰 Insects awaken.
  春分 Vernal Equinox
  清明 Clear and bright.
  谷雨 Grain rain.
  立夏 Summer begins.
  小满 Grain buds.
  芒种 Grain in ear.
  夏至 Summer solstice.
  小暑 Slight heat.
  大暑 Great heat.
  立秋 Autumn begins.
  处暑 Stopping the heat.
  白露 White dews.
  秋分 Autumn Equinox.
  寒露 Cold dews.
  霜降 Hoar-frost falls.
  立冬 Winter begins.
  小雪 Light snow.
  大雪 Heavy snow.
  冬至 Winter Solstice.
  小寒 Slight cold.
  大寒 Great cold
