
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/06/10 03:05:47
Nothing is ready now.(改为反义疑问句)
Nothing is ready now,_______ _______?

Nothing is ready now.(改为反义疑问句)
Nothing is ready now,is it?

“Nothing”是否定形式,后面要用肯定形式,即“is it"

is it ?

反 意 疑 问 句

一、 构成:
二、 语调:
⑴主要表示疑问:第一部分(降) + 第二部分(升)
He is ready ,isn’t he ? 他准备好了,不是吗?
⑵主要表示证实:第一部分(降) + 第二部分(降)
He is ready , isn’t he ? 他准备好了吧?
三、 基本句型:
⑴ 陈述句(肯定结构)+ 特殊定式动词 + n’t + 主语?
①You study English , don’t you ? 你们学习英语,不是吗?
Yes , we do .是的,我们学习英语。
②You are from China , aren’t you ? 你来自中国,不是吗?
Yes , I am . 是的,我来自中国。
③He can swim , can’t he ? 他会游泳,不是吗?
No , he can’t . 不,他不会。
⑵陈述句(否定结构)+ 特殊定式动词 +主语?
①She isn’t a teacher , is she ? 她不是老师,是吗?
Yes , she is . 不,她是。 No , she isn’t .是的,她不是。
②You don’t like English ,do you ? 你不喜欢英语,是吗?
Yes , I do . 不,我喜欢。 No , I don’t .是的,我不喜欢。
[注]:特殊定式动词是指:to be 、to have 助动词或情态动词等二十四个定式动词。
四、 特殊句型:
①You have a computer , haven’t you ?/don‘t you ?
②She doesn’t have a car ,does she ?
③He doesn’t a job ,has he ?
①You had a talk with him yesterday , didn‘t you ?
②He sometimes has a smoke , hasn‘t he ?
⑴带have to 时,附加疑问部分用do的相应形式(更常见)/have的相应形式
①You don‘t have to go to school on Sundays ,do you ?
②We have to work today ,don‘t we ? / haven’we ?
①We must work hard , mustn’t we ?
②You must start at once , must’you ?
①The teacher must show concern for each student , needn’t he ?
②You must copy all of these books ,needn’t you ?
①He must be a teacher , isn’t he ?
②You must have seen the film , haven’t you ?
D.must + have + done ———用have的相应形式——无明确的时间状语;用过去时——有明确的过去的时间状语
①You must have lived here for a long time , haven’t you ?
②You must have have seen him yesterday ,didn’t you ?
E.当陈述部分是mustn’t 表“禁止”时——附加疑问部分用must或 may
①I mustn’t tell him about it ,must I ?(多数情况)/ may I ?
②You mustn’t smoke ,must you ?/ may you ?
⑶带used to 时,附加疑问部分用usedn’t / didn’t (口语)
①There used to be on apple tree , didn’t there ?(口语)/ usedn’t there ?
②He used to get up early ,didn’t (口语)/ usedn’t he ?
⑷带need 时,附加疑问部分用do要与陈述部分need用法相呼应 / need
①I needn’t tell you the answer , need I ?
②You need to buy a computer , don’t you ?
⑸带needn’t 时,附加疑问部分用need(一般情况)/ must(加强语气)
①You needn’t go ,need you ?/ must you ?(加强语气)
②I needn’t help you , need I ?/ must I ?(加强语气)
⑹带oughy to 时,附加疑问部分用ought(相应形式)[GA] / should [GB]
We ought to help each other,oughtn’t we ?[GA]/ shouldn’t we ?[GB]
⑴肯定的祈使句——附加疑问部分可用:will/ won’t/ would you ?或 can/ can’t /could you ?
⑵否定的祈使句——附加疑问部分只能用:will you ?
①Come down quickly , will/ won’t/ would you ?或 can/ can’t /could you ?
②Don’t take away my dictionary , will you ?
⑴Let’s “咱们”(包括双方在内)——附加疑问部分用shall me ?
Let’s go fishing , shall we ?
⑵Let us = allow us “我们”(不包括双方在内)——附加疑问部分用will you ?
Let us know if you can come , will you ?
⑶Let me ——附加疑问部分用will you ?/ may I ?
Let me try again , will you ?/ may I ?
5.若反意疑问句的陈述部分含有no 、nothing 、never 、hardly 、few 、little 、seldom 、rarely 、scarcely等本身就具有否定意义的词时,附加疑问部分一律用肯定形式(但由否定前缀或后缀构成的派生词除外)
①He never gets up early , does he ?
②There is nothing wrong with you , is there ?
③Few people like him ,do they ?
④He looks unhappy , doesn’t he ?
⑤She is careless , isn’t she ?
6.陈述部分的主语是one,附加疑问部分用one(正式场合)/ you(非正式场合)
One should be honest , shouldn’t one?/ shouldn’t you ?
7.陈述部分的主语是everybody 、everyone 、somebody 、someone 、anybody 、anyone 、nobody 、noone时,附加疑问部分的人称代词用they(非正式场合)/ he(一般情况)
①Everyone has been told what to do ,hasn’t he ?/ haven’t they ?
②Nobody likes him ,does he ?/ do they ?
8.陈述部分的主语是everything 、something 、anything 、nothing时,附加疑问部分的主语用it
①Everything that he says is true ,isn’t it ?
②Nothing could prevent the four modernizations from being realized ,could it ?
9.陈述部分为there be句型时,附加疑问部分的主语用there
①There are a lot of people in the park ,aren’t there ?
②There is a bottle on the table ,isn’t there ?
⑴主句主语为第一人称时——附加疑问部分的主语和谓语与从句保持一致(若有believe 、think 、suppose 、imagine 、expect时,要注意否定转移)
①I suppose father is sleeping ,isn’t he ?
②I don’t think you are right ,are you ?
③We think there will be a lot of people in the zoo ,won’t there ?
④He said that he would come back next Monday ,didn’t he ?
⑤They don’t think that she will win ,do they ?
①To tuanslate the story into English is easy ,isn’t it ?
②Lifting weights will build your arm and shoulder muscles ,won’t it ?
③From Fuzhou to Wuhan is long distance ,isn’t it ?
④What he did is wrong ,isn’t it ?
①Nothing that he said was wrong ,was it ?
②This is the reason why they didin’t go there ,isn’t it ?
③She did it when she left here ,didn’t she ?
④That is how he works there ,isn’t it ?
①She works hard and she is the best one in her factory ,isn’t she ?
②Tom is very clever and he studies hard ,doesn’he ?
①Fine day ,isn’t it ?
②Lovely girls ,aren’t they ?
15.陈述部分为“I wish …… ”时,附加疑问部分—— may I ?
①I wish to go swimming ,may I ?
②I wish to talk with you ,may I ?
①What a lovely girl ,isn’t she ?
②What a hot day ,isn’t it ?
17.以so 、oh开头的句子,若陈述部分是肯定的,附加疑问部分也是肯定的;若陈述部分是否定的,附加疑问部分也是否定的
①So he can’t swim ,can’t he ?
②Oh ,you have know the result ,have you ?
18.陈述部分为“I am …… ”—— 附加疑问部分用aren’t ?/ ain’t I ?
陈述部分为“I am not …… ”—— 附加疑问部分用am I ?
①I am an English teacher ,aren’t I ?/ ain’t I ?
②I am not from America ,am I ?
19.陈述部分带有“would rather”结构时,附加疑问部分用would的相应形式
①He’d rather not accept the invitation ,would he ?
②She’d rather stay at home ,wouldn’t she ?
20.陈述部分带有“had better”结构时,附加疑问部分用had的相应形式
①You’d better go to see the doctor ,hadn’t you ?
②You’d better not go there ,had you ?
Few people know it , do they ?
He met nobody , did he ?/ didn’t he ?
23 陈述部分的主语是this ,that 时,附加疑问部分的主语要用 it ; 陈述部分的主语是these ,those 时,附加疑问部分的主语要用 they
This is a beautiful garden , isn’t it ?
That belongs to Mary , doesn’t it ?
These are my good friends , aren’t they ?
Those are sheep , aren’t they ?