steam免费游戏哪个好玩:GOOD AT后面可不可以加名词?报关(海关报关)的英语怎么说?

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/06/07 05:26:15

Be good at + sth./doing sth.
She's good at (playing) violin.

报关用declare这个词是可以的,用一个词组就可以说:declare at the customs。但实际上我们都尽量避免这么用,而常说customs clearance(清关,但不说clear the customs),因为报关的目的就是为了清关。如果非要加个动词,不妨用make the customs clearance,就已包括了从报关到清关的整个过程了。至少客户和我都是这么说的。

一般都是跟动名词, Customs declaration or declare at the Customs

be good at 是擅长于某事之意,一般不直接接名词 good at(擅长做某事),跟动名词,例如:swimming,running,painting,etc.不直接跟名词.
2.报关:(动词)apply to Customs
(名词)Customs application
而上面的朋友提到的Customs declaration是报关单的意思.

都可以接 都常用
be good at sth./doing sth. “擅长做某事“
eg: she is good at dancing.
They are good at cooking.
报关:Customs Declaration 名词
Declare at the customs 动词

例:May I have a customs declaration form, please?


customs broker 报关行
customs clearing charges 报关费
customs duties 关税
customs entry 海关 手续
customs invoice 海关 发票
customs warehouse 海关 仓库

Customs declaration