
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/04/20 20:10:09
Representing Maps as Numbers(3.1)
.GIS requires that both data and maps be represented as numbers.
.The GIS places data into the computer's memory in a physical data structure,i.e.files and directories.
.Files can be written in binary or as ASCII text.
.Binary is faster to read and smaller,ASCII can be read by humans and edited but uses more space.
.Programmers use hexadecimal as shorthand for binary,since two hexadecimal digits correspond to 8 bits(a byte).
.A logical data model is how data are organized for use by the GIS.
.GISs have traditionally used the logical data models of either raster or vector,and for attributes the flat file.
.A raster data model uses a grid.
-One grid cell is one unit or holds one attribute.
-Every cell has a value,even if it is "missing."
-A cell can hold a number or an index value standing for an attribute.

Sec.3.7 Study Guide
-A cell has a resolution,given as the cell size in ground units.
-Points and lines in raster format have to move to a cell center.
-Lines can become fat.Areas may need separately coded edges.
-Each cell can only be owned by one feature.
-As data,all cells must be able to hold t maximum cell vaule.
.Raster are easy to understand,easy to read and write,and easy to draw on the screen.
.A vector data model uses points stored by their real coordinates.
-lines and areas are built fro sequences of points in order.
-lines have a direction to the ordering of the points.
-Polygons can be built from points or lines.
-Vectors can store information about topology.
-Have to use TIN to represent volumes.
.Vector can represent point,line and area features very accurately.
.Vectors are far more efficient than grids.
.Vectors work well with pen and light plotting devices,and tablet digitizers.
.Vectors are not good at continuous coverages or plotters that fill areas.
.Vectors are like the music of Beethoven,rasters are like Mozart's.

Structuring Attributes(3.2)
.Attribute data are stored logically in flat files.
.A flat files is a matrix of numbers and values stored in rows and columns,like a spreadsheet.
.Both logical and physical data models have evolved over time.
DBMSs use many different methods to store and manage flat files in physical files.

Structuring Maps(3.3)
.A GIS map is a scaled down digital representation of point,line,area,and volume features.
.While most GIS systems can handle raster and vector,only one is used for the internal organization of spatial data.
.At first,GISs used vector data and cartographic spaghetti structures.
.Vector data evolved the Arc/Node model in the 1960s.
.In the Arc/Node model,and area consist of lines and a line consists of points.
.Points,lines,and areas can each be stored in their own files,with links between them.
.The topological vector model uses the line(arc) as a basic unit.Areas(polygons) are built up from arcs.

表现地图当做数 (3.1)
。GIS 需要数据和地图被表现如数字。
。GIS 在一个实际的数据结构, i.e.files 和目录中把数据放进入计算机的记忆之内。
。程序师为二进以十六进位作为速记,因为二个十六进位数字符合 8 一点点 (一个位元组) 。
。一个合乎逻辑的数据模型是数据为使用被 GIS 组织的方式。
。GISs 传统地已经用试映图或矢量的合乎逻辑数据模型, 而且因为归于平坦的文件。
-每个细胞有价值, 即使它不见。

Sec.3.7 研究引导者
-一个细胞有一个决议, 给予的如细胞土地的单位大小。
-如数据,所有的细胞一定能够支撑 t 最大的细胞 vaule 。
。试映图是容易了解, 容易的读而且写, 和容易的利用荧屏。
。矢量工作好的由于钢笔和计画翻译装置 , 和平板数化器的光。

构成属性 (3.2)
。一个平坦的文件是一个数字和被储存在排和专栏中的价值点阵式, 像一个试算表。

构成地图 (3.3)
。一张 GIS 地图是一依比例决定点,线,区域和体积特征的下来数传表现。
。大多数的 GIS 系统能处理试映图而且无线电诱导,不过一作为空间数据的内在组织。
。起先, GISs 用了矢量数据和 cartographic 意大利面条结构。
。矢量数据在 1960 年代中进展了弧/ 节模型。
。topological 矢量模型以线 (弧) 作为基本的 unit.Areas(多角形) 从弧被建立。