燃气热水器 除水垢:请求翻译

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/06/17 08:10:27
first came the knapweed.then came the gall fly.and now the mice population is exploding-the mice that carry hantavirus. in a classic case of unintended ecological consequences,an attempt to control an unwanted plant has exacterbated a human health problem.

先是矢车菊, 然后没食子蜂接踵而至. 现在携带汉他病毒的老鼠数量又节节上升. 这个导致意外生态后果的典型例子说明, 为了消灭一种讨厌的植物, 反而恶化了人类的健康问题.